Review the relatively new type of business-the social enterprise. Typically, we think of a business having one mission that requires marketing; however, now we have businesses with two fold marketing plans. One plan is for the for-profit side and a second plan is for the non-profit side of the business. Each uses the other to further their mission. Although this is a challenging business format, it is very profitable if marketed correctly. One marketing tactic is for a for-profit business to adopt a social cause that will attrect customers. On the other hand many non-profits are in need of new funding sources and are looking for partnerships or starting their own for-profit business to funnel revenue into the non-profit side.
For this assignment, you will identify an organization that is a social enterprise business or an organization that helps these types of businesses. A better understanding of socail enterprises will add to your array of marketing ideas and tools. Once you have made your selection, you will develop a marketing strategy for the organization. The strategy will include the following elements:
1. Introduction(include a description of the business)
2. Market Segmentation
3. Target Market, Segments, and Strategy
4. Differentiation
5. Positioning and Positioning Strategy
6. Competitive Advantage
7. Value Proposition
8. Summary