
You will explain the organizations goals role and problems

Proposal Assignment Overview

It is likely that no matter your path takes you, you will find yourself writing proposals of some sort. These may take the form of grant proposals, research proposals, IRB applications, prospecti for dissertations or theses, bids for contracts. A proposal may even take the form of a simple letter written to workplace management about a change that needs to happen. Many nonprofit organizations derive their funding through grants, which are in turn obtained through proposals. Often sharing characteristics with formal reports, proposals are simply a form persuasive writing. But where a document such as an argumentative essay relies upon logic, reasoning, and evidence for support, a typical proposal relies upon much more. Proposals usually show careful planning.

For this assignment you will write a grant proposal that seeks funding for an organization or cause or that seeks funding for research. Here are possible scenarios:

Option A - You want to apply for a grant for research or for a creative project (design, art, technical). One such project might be the UC Davis Provost's Undergraduate Fellowship.

Option B - An organization you are associated with (or not) needs funding. It may need yearly operating funds or one-time funding for a special project, event, or other specific need. The organization can be anything from a non-profit, to a club, to a corporate department. You will explain the organization's goals, role, and problems (why the funding is needed). You will conduct research on possible solutions, offer a solution, and then write up a funding proposal to funding source.

Option C - If you have an idea that does not fall under the first two options, talk to me. Usually, we can work something out.

Proposal Contents -

There are various types of proposals. Usually, the institution offering the grant will provide specific proposal requirements in its request for proposals. Normally, you will find the specific requirements for the proposal in the application instructions or the RFP. For this class, your requirements have been standardized:

1. Title Page

2. Table of Contents

3. Narrative (this is the heart of the proposal)

a. Statement of Problem/Needs

i. supporting facts and statistics

ii. background of organization or problem (this is your main research portion)

iii. perspectives of clients served

b. If you are seeking funding for a non-profit, consider the following:

i. Agency Description (required)

1. history

a. when established, by whom, etc.

b. mission & goals of organization

c. population served

d. accomplishments

c. Project Description (Solution to Problem)

1. goals (long-range outcomes/broad/general)

2. objectives (specific, measurable, time frame)

ii. Methods/Strategies you will use to reach goals/objectives

1. who, what, where, how

2. how plan will be implemented

3. a timeline

4. who will do the work

d. Evaluation of Success

i. how you will determine success of program

1. formative (takes place during project, allows you to make adjustments)

2. summative (at end)

3. key indicators of success

a. quantitative

b. qualitative

4. methods for collecting data

5. how you will analyze information

e. Sustainability

i. funding plan for the future

ii. Other Funding

1. Showing other funding is actually a good thing, lending credibility to your organization and relieving the funding source of the feeling that it is the only source of funding.

f. Conclusion

i. Close the deal: why should funder fund project?

ii. So what? why is project important, how will life be better and for whom?

4. How your program/projects fits in with the foundation's goals

5. Works Cited or References

6. Appendices (if any)

Visuals-You need to include at least three visuals (you could do more if you want/need to) in the body of your report: tables, charts, graphs, and conceptual graphics work well to display data and aid in readability and comprehension. These visuals must be original and created by you. Visuals that are downloaded or copied from another source will not be acceptable in the report body.

Your proposal might also make rhetorical use of photos and other images. How could such images help you make your case?

Research Requirements -

This project will require research. Your research requirements will vary according to the option you choose. For every option, consider conducting interviews with appropriate individuals and using at least one other method of primary research, such as observation. Drawing on at least three secondary sources (others' published work) is required. Not meeting these research requirements will result in a lower final proposal grade.

Again, primary research might include

  • Interviews
  • Your own special knowledge of a subject
  • Observation of organization or community members carrying out a process or procedure or observation of organization or community members performing particular activities
  • A questionnaire

Forms of secondary research might include

  • Web and media sources
  • Academic articles
  • Government documents and reference materials
  • Other documents (maps, pamphlets, special dictionaries)
  • About pages from websites
  • Business documents (annual reports, brochures, etc.)
  • Professional publications (trade journals) and peer-reviewed journals (e.g., Consumer Reports, Psychology Today, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, American Behavior Scientist)

As usual, gov and edu are the most reputable sources. Org sources are often but not always reliable.

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Management Theories: You will explain the organizations goals role and problems
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