You will examine cultural changes within an organization. Using an organization you are familiar with, observe and review cultural changes within the organization with an eye to preparing a summary/analysis that includes the following:
- Identify and discuss the cultural changes that have taken place in the organization within the past year or so.
- Highlight the nature of these changes; if driven from the outside or the inside, viewed positively, negatively, etc.
- Describe how these happened, leadership's role and the impact on the organization.
- Provide insight in the summary section regarding the effectiveness/not of leadership's role in the change and your recommendations for how this should be done in the future (if different from your observations.
- Additionally, identify whether you consider this organization to have a learning culture or not and explain why.
Provide a summary of 3-5 page paper that addresses the above points. Your paper should page double-spaced addressing the points above and should cite supporting information according to APA or MLA.