
You will create a set of scripts for managing active

Assignment -

Overview - Here are some general requirements for this assignment:

You will create a set of scripts for managing Active Directory (AD) User Accounts on your Windows domain or another server, as specified in the scripts' parameters. From a highlevel perspective, these scripts will manage user account querying, creation, and deletion. In the real world, additional scripts and capabilities would be useful to implement as well.

Your scripts will be written to interact with whatever server is specified in the pServer parameter for each script, and to use the credentials of whatever user is specified in the pCredential parameter of each script. These do not accept input from the pipeline. The server parameter is optional, and has a default of "". The credential parameter is mandatory, and, if not specified on the command-line, the default credential should be obtained by prompting for it via get-credential.

Your scripts will be able to manage Active Directory user accounts on any server for which you are authorized. You should test to make sure that you can run your scripts on your Windows machines, and that they work interacting with AD on your WS and on my server. My Powershell server has special accounts, OUs, and permissions for you to manage accounts within your OU, so you should be especially careful to test them there. Of course, because it has a private IP address, in order for your script(s) to interact with this computer you will have to be on another machine within the private class network we have been using all semester - your cloned Windows Server and Windows Client are the two best options for this.

You have been given an account and organizational unit (OU) on my server through which and within which you may manage accounts. Specifically, any accounts you create on my machine will reside only within your specified OU. All student accounts and OU's will reside within a top-level OU on my machine named "STAR_2018_1". For instance, a student by the name of "Han Solo" would have an account on this server named "TEST_SoloHa" and would manage an OU on this server named "TESTOU_SoloHa". Notice that this is the normal LLLLFF naming convention, but with "TEST_" or "TESTOU_" added on the front. You cannot actually log in to my server; rather, you will perform all work remotely by issuing Powershell AD commands from the command-line, and, ultimately, from within your scripts.

Because you will be managing accounts only in your specific Active Directory Organizational Unit on my machine, your scripts will also all need to be able to optionally specify a "path" or OU designation in which they should work. See the individual script specifications below for more details.

You will name the scripts exactly as named in the detailed instructions below. Notice that these names have simple hyphens (dashes) in them. Be sure to name them correctly, including upper/lower-case / CamelCase style. They will, with some small variations as described below, follow the standard Powershell cmdlet "verb-noun" naming convention.

You will name the script parameters exactly as named in the detailed instructions below. Notice that these names all start with "p" (for "parameter"). They must be named exactly as shown in the instructions, or my automated grading script will not be able to run your scripts correctly and you will lose (many!) points.

You will create a group of scripts. The group is named "A". The set of scripts within this group are designed to manage querying, creating, and removing user accounts in Active Directory, working together to provide the full functionality desired. The scripts in this group work together, some depending on others to provide functionality. Thus, for example, if your user query script doesn't work, or doesn't work correctly, then it is likely that your user removal script may not work as expected/required and vice versa. However, each script will be graded and awarded points independently (as much as possible, given the interdependencies among them).

Any time a script refers generically to "Account Name" or "Name", we will use SAMAccountName as the unique identifier. When specified, however, we will use the specified unique identifier. (Ex: DistinguishedName, etc).

These scripts will function as "cmdlets", not as "functions".

You will use the BEGIN, PROCESS, and END block design when building your scripts.

You will implement the specified named parameters and ability to pipe certain types of information into your scripts. You will implement parameters via the "CmdletBinding" and "param" / "Parameter" blocks in your script.

You will generate a single consistent kind of output to the pipeline for each script, so that it can be used as a general-purpose tool. The exact kind of output is specified in the description for each script.

You will generate "Verbose" output via the Write-Verbose mechanism when the user specifies the "- Verbose" common parameter.

You will generate "Error" output via the Write-Error mechanism.

You will handle errors "gracefully" so that your scripts don't crash; rather, they continue processing additional data, as appropriate, but send error information to the error pipeline via Write-Error. Try-Catch and If statements are the standard ways that you will do this, depending on the type of error that needs to be handled. Powershell's WarningAction, ErrorAction, and Trap are also helpful techniques in some situations.

In addition to standard descriptive comment blocks and statements at the beginning of and throughout your scripts, you will also include comment blocks that will facilitate standard Powershell "Get-Help" functionality for your scripts.

Script Group: User Account Management

This set of scripts provides functionality to manage user accounts. It allows accounts to be created, listed, and removed. The three scripts you will create in this group are:

1. Get-User.ps1

2. New-User.ps1

3. Remove-User.ps1

In addition to the general requirements detailed above.

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Computer Engineering: You will create a set of scripts for managing active
Reference No:- TGS02730139

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