
You will conduct a play project over several days the

Assignment - Play Project

You will conduct a Play Project over several days. The longer you can sustain arid extend play, and the more depth of learning you can achieve, the Wirt Two days of the play project will be counted as embedded practicum.

The assessment is divided into 2 parts - 2A the "Plan" and 2B a "Project" presentation of the plan which was implemented.

Assessment 2A is whom you set up plan lot your project, Assessment 2B will involve you conducting the Project and then designing a creative presentation which critically examines the project in relation to play as a tool for teaming, the environment, the role of adult, socio cultural teaching and learning and advocacy.

Both your plan (2A) and your Creative presentation of your project (2B) must have direct links to references and the core unit concepts/theories/ideas presented in Module 1 and Module 2.

Play Project Plan

This Assessment Task 2A is where you set up a PLAN for your project. 2A is your PLAN only.

Length: 1000 words

1. Observe a few play events. Try to use a contemporary socio-cultural approach to your observations.

2. Engage in personal reflection about what you have observed, experienced, felt, wondered about and/or wished for in your teaching and learning with children and play. In particular the relationship between play and children's learning and development.

Identify an issue, question, concern or event in your context.

3. Begin to write a Play Project plan using the ideas/concepts/theories of what you have learnt so far.

4. Devise an initial plan outline for your Play Project using the frameworks/research approach/literature from the unit readings and resources

5. Post your initial plan into your group forum

6. Provide theoretical feedback to peers in group

Giving theoretical feedback to your peers Project Plans is an essential aspect of the assessment anti will count as 'knowledge' toward your final mark. It helps to show that you can analyse key concept and apply them to practice. It also provides further evidence to demonstrate your understanding of the core concepts taught in this unit. Peer feedback supports one another to link and integrate the reading/theories/concept into their plans.

7. Refine your plan with clear links to literature
Some suggested ideas to include:
a. The early childhood setting - (brief)
b. Rationale and questions for my Project interest
c. How will my Play Project encompass..
- play as a tool for /earning;
- the environment;
- the role of adult;
- socio/cultural teaching and learning, and advocacy?

d How am I going to go about my Play Project?

e. How will I acknowledge children's voices and encourage their participation?

f. Resources

g. What illustrations/evidence will I collect to portray and evaluate the learning?

h. How might I present what I have learned

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Dissertation: You will conduct a play project over several days the
Reference No:- TGS01366972

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