You will conduct a media analysis of a television show film

You will conduct a media analysis of a television show, film, advertising campaign or popular musical artist/video. The final paper is lengthy, but allows you to revise prior writing assignments in order to construct a finished product that incorporates your own positionality, media and socialization theories, and research/analysis on your chosen media text.


Give a 300+ word description of your paper as if the reader has no prior knowledge of your topic, area of inquiry, etc. Include links to advertisements, photos, videos, websites, etc. If you are using theories, make sure you briefly explain them for the reader. Remember, you can read other students' blogs for additional help/collaboration.

At the end, include a paragraph of what your next steps are for working on the paper, including any questions or concerns you want to ask me.

Remember, blog posts should be written for a wider audience (aka, pretend that you're writing this for someone who has never taken a media class.

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Dissertation: You will conduct a media analysis of a television show film
Reference No:- TGS01359192

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