
You will be writing a 6-6 page essay on do violent video

Research Paper Assignment

You will be writing a 6 - 6 ½ page essay on Do violent video games make kids angry and cruel? You may not begin work on your project until your topic is approved. Remember that this unit is worth 30% of your semester grade.

Your paper should have at least six scholarly sources. You should rely mainly on the databases, but you may use Google Scholar (not regular Google).

Pay attention to the dates when each part of your essay are due. Do not forget to make an appointment with the Writing Center so that you can get extra credit.

Do not use contractions. Do not use first or second person. Make sure the entire essay is written in third person.

Work Cited

Griffiths, Mark. "Violent video games and aggression: A review of the literature." Aggression and violent behavior 4.2 (1999): 203-212.

Weber, René, Ute Ritterfeld, and Klaus Mathiak. "Does playing violent video games induce aggression? Empirical evidence of a functional magnetic resonance imaging study." Media psychology 8.1 (2006): 39-60.

Cooper, Joel, and Diane Mackie. "Video games and aggression in children." Journal of applied social psychology16.8 (1986): 726-744
Kutner, Lawrence, and Cheryl Olson. Grand theft childhood: The surprising truth about violent video games and what parents can do. Simon and Schuster, 2008.

Grodal, Torben. "Video games and the pleasures of control." Media entertainment: The psychology of its appeal (2000): 197-213.

Olson, Cheryl K., Lawrence A. Kutner, and Dorothy E. Warner. "The role of violent video game content in adolescent development: Boys' perspectives." Journal of Adolescent Research 23.1 (2008): 55-75.

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