
You will be looking at the dominos combined technologies

Week - Domino's Pizza Case Activity

In this activity, you will be looking at the Domino's combined technologies are used in their daily operations and how well it fits their overall business strategy. This will be done by looking at each technology individually, identifying the technology's function, observing the technology's impact on the organization, and connecting them to the strategic intent. Use all of the provided information (articles, videos, etc.). See the sample completed activity provided in the course.

Use your own observations and opinion. There are no right or wrong answers. Not all of the pieces will fit together nor will all strategies be explicated. You will need to think like a detective and link the connections together to form, in your opinion, a logical overall technology strategy.

Step 1 - Technology/Application Identification - Complete the grid to identify the technologies used, their function, and who is involved in their use or what process do they contribute to. (Feel free to add rows.)



Who uses/Process involved











Step 2 - Impact on Organization and Process - Copy the list of technologies/applications in this grid. Have you observed any impact on the organization and/or process. Impact on the organization could be changes in normal job roles (duties, responsibilities, etc), changes in organization structure, or changes in management structure. Impact on process could include changing responsibilities of data collection, automating duties that were once completed by employees or customers, or changes in rules governing the process.


Organization Impact

Process Impact











Step 3 - Connecting to Strategy - Does the organization have a stated technology strategy? Is their approach documented in the business strategy phrases (mission statement or motto? If it is stated, please restate in your own words. If not explicitly expressed, what do you think the strategy is?

Step 4 - Look at competitors in the marketplace. Compare their use of technology to the case company. What is similar? What is different? (Pick one or two that best emphasize similar or dissimilar traits).

Competitor Name

















Step 5 - What is your evaluation of the case companies use of technology? What would you change?

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Marketing Research: You will be looking at the dominos combined technologies
Reference No:- TGS01713836

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