
You will be assessing aspects of an organisational change

Assessment item

Assessing organisational change


You will be assessing aspects of an organisational change programme, the approach to organisational change that has been taken, and making recommendations for improvement.

Prepare a report in which you critique the way Cheryl Hailstrom has communicated the change that she is seeking to implement, using relevant scholarly literature, and make recommendations for improvement.

Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to identify, examine and critically analyse approaches to organisational change, and assess the outcomes, from a range of theoretical perspectives.
  • be able to identify, describe and assess an organisational change management programme and propose, justify and communicate an alternative approach.

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Business Management: You will be assessing aspects of an organisational change
Reference No:- TGS02900194

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