In Final Project Two, with the help of your instructor, you will select a struggling company from the list provided below. You will analyze the company’s ineffective implementation of the fundamental principles of management. Once you analyze the struggling company, your task will be to make recommendations for a management improvement plan explaining how the company’s management team can improve in areas such as decision making, employee performance, and sustainability. Final Project Two consists of the selection of the struggling company (a non-graded task due in Module Five) along with one milestone, which will be submitted to scaffold learning and to ensure quality final submissions. This milestone will be submitted in Module Six. Final Project Two will be submitted in Module Eight toyota (specific to recalls over the last decade) What Really Happened to Toyota? Can Toyota Recover Its Reputation for Quality? WorldCom Ex-WorldCom CEO Ebbers guilty WorldCom: The Accounting Scandal Enron Enron Case Study Enron Scandal (4:48) Motorola What Happened to Motorola 10 Reasons Why Motorola Failed Eastman Kodak Kodak Moments Just a Memory as Company Exits Bankruptcy Kodak CEO Talks Company’s Future Eastman Kodak Files for Bankruptcy.