
You will analyze one more economics article of your choice

You will analyze one more economics article of your choice. The analysis is due before the end of Week 10. Your instructor will select several of the best analyses for presentation to the class. If the selected article is not relevant (e. g., financial topic rather than an economics topic) or if your analysis is unprofessional in format, tone, or grammar, you may have one opportunity to re-do this assignment. See your instructor for further details.

Select an interesting article in a business periodical that relates to topics covered in class. The article must not be older than 6 months.

Suggested sources for articles are The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Fortune, Forbes, Journal of Law and Economics, American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy,US News and World Report, and Business Week. All of these publications can be made available through the Averett library (1-800-283-7388).

Write a 1- to 2-page analysis in which you complete the following:

  • Summarize the article-but do not simply repeat it.
  • Explain in your own words what it means to you and if you agree or disagree with the contents.
  • Support your analysis using the economic principles you have learned so far. Use a minimum of 1 additional peer-reviewed resource.

Format your analysis according to APA guidelines. Include a cover page and reference page. A copy of the article MUST be attached as an appendix to your analysis. NOTE : the topics been cover in the class such 13. The Costs of Production.14. Firms in Competitive Markets.15. Monopoly.16. Monopolistic Competition.17. Oligopoly.18. The Markets for the Factors of Production.

NOTE : see the attachment to follow the professor Criteria to grade the paper !! the criteria must be follow as in the attachment.

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Business Management: You will analyze one more economics article of your choice
Reference No:- TGS01598259

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