
You want to improve the reliability of the fingerprint to

1. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are single base pair mutations that

A. always alter the coding region gene carrying the point mutation.
B. are concentrated in the repeated DNA sequences in the genome.
C. do not always damage the function of the encoded gene product.
D. are always located in the non-translated part of the gene carrying the point mutation.
E. never alter the coding region gene carrying the point mutation

2. Suppose you are designing a DNA fingerprint analysis. You want to improve the reliability of the fingerprint to tell the difference between the original sources of DNA samples. The best way to do this is to increase the number of DNA probes used in the fingerprint analysis.

A. True
B. False

3. Mitochondria are unusual organelles in that they contain their own genomes. The human mitochondrial genome is a

A. double-stranded circular RNA molecule.
B. single-stranded linear DNA molecule
C. double-stranded circular DNA molecule.
D. single-stranded circular DNA molecule.
E. single-stranded linear RNA molecule.

4. Around 35,000 years ago the Neanderthals that had settled throughout Europe were restricted to living in a corner of Europe and became

A. extinct.
B. fully incorporated into the modern European group.
C. more socially and culturally advanced than Homo sapiens.
D. more technically advanced than Homo sapiens.
E. the dominant population throughout Europe.

5. Which of the following can be determined from the DNA fingerprint of an individual?
A DNA fingerprint can reveal

A. the individual's gender (male or female).
B. how many siblings (brothers and sisters) are found in the family of the individual whose DNA is sampled.
C. the individual's biological family relationships (paternity, etc.).
D. the individual's risk of heart disease.
E. the individual's blood type.

6. SNPs can be used to predict the responses of people to certain drugs, for example, the effectiveness of Albuterol to prevent an asthma attack. In the future, SNP profiles will allow doctors to

A. increase the number of free samples of Albuterol that they receive from drug companies.
B. decrease the dosage of Albuterol needed to treat asthma.
C. predict in advance which patients will respond well to Albuterol.
D. use Albuterol to treat illnesses other than asthma.
E. avoid using Albuterol for asthma prevention due to expense.

7. When the Ice Age arrived 20,000 years ago some humans survived but became increasingly separated into different groups by the ice causing linguistic and cultural differentiation and genetic variation. Which feature of human genetics probably contributed most to the ability of humans to rapidly adapt to changes in climate?

A. The many point mutations in genes that provide a library of mutant proteins to be acted on by natural selection.
B. The human epigenome which provided flexible changes in gene expression in response to environmental signals.
C. Natural selection had already eliminated the weakest candidates.
D. People who were sensitive to the cold and invented clothes were then more resistant to the cold climate.
E. The fact that humans have pairs of chromosomes rather than a set of individual chromosomes.

8. DNA chip technology can be used to compare the genomes of different individuals. The green and red spots on the DNA chip are illuminated with a laser to detect a DNA sequence that base pairs with a specific gene probe on the chip. Differing intensities of the green and red spots on the chip can indicate that

A. the karyotypes of the two individuals sampled will also differ.
B. there are gene copy number differences between the different genomes.
C. these genomes come from identical twins.
D. one or both of the DNA samples contain(s) different gene sequences than the control DNA sample library on the chip.
E. some genes have been deleted or removed from the genome represented in one or both of the samples.

9. About 50,000 years ago a small group of people traveled from Africa to Asia, and became the ancestors of

A. modern day people who are of non-African descent.
B. modern day people who are of African descent.
C. all humans on Earth.
D. Homo erectus.
E. Neanderthals.

10.Mitochondria are maternally inherited, which means that an individual's mitochondrial genes are inherited from

A. the individual's father.
B. an X chromosome.
C. the egg cell that was fertilized to become the individual's zygote.
D. both the individual's mother and father.
E. the individual's mother's grandfather.

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Chemistry: You want to improve the reliability of the fingerprint to
Reference No:- TGS02503538

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