Please look at the following and be sure you answer all of the questions in this link...
Motivation in Companies
You will be graded based on the following:
1. You told me the website that you visited - you get to pick your own company - one you think has some great motivational tools. You told me a little bit about the company; who they are, what they do, and/or where they are going in the future.
2. You shared some "basic" (competitive salary, annual bonuses, medical and dental, retirement savings, insurance, flexible spending accounts) benefits of the company.
3. You shared some "lifestyle" (vacation, summer hours, flexible work schedules, parenting benefits, education) benefits about the company.
4. You shared some "convenient" (heath services, fitness centers, daycare centers, sick care, employee clubs) benefits about the company.
5. You shared whether or not you would want to work at this organization if you could.