
You should provide explicit details of the functional level



What are we looking for? And a breakdown of marks is as follows:

Where are we now?

A detailed macro and micro audit, which clearly classifies and evaluates the critical external and internal factors likely to impact upon the simulation company's performance. The external environmental analysis should be fully referenced using credible sources.

Where do we want to be?

Using appropriate theoretical frameworks you should consider the simulation company's Mission and marketing objectives,

Which way is best?

Making frequent reference to your findings of your external and internal audit you should consider the simulation company's competitive advantage and formulate the strategy for its approach to customers and markets using appropriate theoretical frameworks.

How do we get there?

You should provide explicit details of the functional level strategies and resources required for implementation.

How do we know we've arrived?

Detail processes and/or mechanisms for control, evaluation and corrective action.

Reading and research

It is anticipated that your group presentation may be used as the foundation for your assignment although a broad range of research sources will be consulted in addition to this. Where appropriate, reference may be given to other retailing brands.

Presentation and referencing

The report should be clearly structured in accordance to the five main content areas indicated above, flowing logically, but naturally. The beginning and end should be clearly delineated with a broad introduction up front, and a brief summary of key points at the end with a word count of 3000 words (+/- 10%) excluding direct quotation, tables, charts and any relevant appendices. The word count should be indicated on the front of the document. Sources should be referenced throughout and a full reference list using the Harvard Referencing Format should be provided.

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Business Management: You should provide explicit details of the functional level
Reference No:- TGS01730146

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