You should mostly think about the purpose of your paper why

You're in college taking what may be your first college-level course, so college and education more generally must be important to you. But what does it mean to you? There are all kinds of schools; even college offers many different ways of learning. What does it mean to succeed in school? What does it mean to fail?

Our first essay will be an exposition based on your personal experience with any and all kinds of education. You'll need a clear thesis sentence and strong supporting details from your own experience or that of your family or friends. In this 3-4 page paper, you might follow a traditional, five-section format, but you don't have to-and your goal for the course will be to go beyond that.

You should mostly think about the purpose of your paper: why are you writing it, and what are you trying to show especially about the values people place on education?

the topic should not be to broad and the most impotant thing is that it must based on personal experience as the evidence. Here is some example thesis sentence
" College provides many individuals with the opportunity to prepare themselves for the future, and it assists students to grow personally, socially, and intellectually."

"Finding motivation to begin college can be a struggle for many, but with some internal motivators like the desire for knowledge and self-improvement, as well as external motivators like family and earning a higher salary, it can be discovered in just about anyone."

For me , I want an eassy about International student since I am a student who come from China. You can create your own personal experience as evidence ( I can fix it after) but make sure you use it a lot. You can talk about the language barrier, the life abroad, how to make friend , how to improve your english , the life in college etc.
Furthermore, i want a title for the essay.

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Basic Computer Science: You should mostly think about the purpose of your paper why
Reference No:- TGS01278768

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