You research various team-development models and pick one

5-7 slides (excluding title and reference slides) and speaker notes of 200-250 words per slide (Unit 3 due 9/05)

As teams progress, they pass through stages of development. You understand that being prepared with tools and techniques at each stage is important. There is a team forming that will take on a production line. You want to be ready to provide training and development resources for this team as soon as they start working together.

You research various team-development models and pick one model that you will use to determine team-building activities before the team members start working together. Develop a plan that addresses the following:

  • What will you do to prepare the team for working together before they start?
  • Discuss the training and development activities that you will use to build trust and productivity in the group once they start working together.
  • How will you measure whether trust exists within the team?
  • How will you measure the effectiveness of this new team in each of the early stages of 3, 6, and 9 months of them working together?

You must include a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

Part two :

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

The intention of the Key Assignment is for you to apply the concepts of this course as it relates to advice on building an effective team.

You will assume the role of "management consultant" (one who is hired from outside the organization-to remain objective-to analyze, strategize, investigate, and make suggestions on how to improve return on investment [ROI], production, efficiency, or make a team more effective [that is the one you will undertake]). You will use the slides that you already created in the P3 and P4 IPs to create a seamless, professional PowerPoint presentation that is to be presented to the organization's management with the intention of giving critical analysis and strategy to make the improvements in the team.

Combine the presentation you developed from Phase 3 and Phase 4 into a single team development presentation. Using all of your materials from phase 3 and 4 (assignments), review all of the comments and recommendations provided from your instructor and peers to help you finalize your presentation. Include all of the following items in your final submission:

  • Make revisions to your power point presentation based on their suggestions
  • Make sure all information gaps are covered and explained in detail
  • Make sure the language and wording are consistent and clear in the presentation
  • Make sure the slides are in sequence and easy to follow for your audience
  • Make sure that the format and design of your slides are consistent throughout the presentation
  • Identify presentation topics that can be combined into a single slide for transparency
  • Exclude any materials that are overlapping or repeated to shorten content

You must include a minimum of 8 scholarly references.

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Business Management: You research various team-development models and pick one
Reference No:- TGS01595144

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