
You need to write one research proposal on given topic -

You need to write one research proposal on given topic

Topic - "The impact of viral marketing in an organization"


-in a clear font (Arial, Calibri or
Times New Roman)

- in 12 point size font

-using double spacing
-using 2.54cm (1 inch) margins

Number the pages of your text in the bottom right hand corner of each page

Pay careful attention to the requirements with regard to references and bibliography.

Do not exceed the word count, as there are penalties for doing so(please refer to the Coursework brief for details).

The title page does not count towards the final word count

Create a title page(not included in final word count), giving the following information:

You may add a contents page if you wish (will not be used towards the final word count).

Subheadings are allowed if necessary (they will be included within the word count)

All wording should be in black.

The main body of your text should be followed in all cases by a bibliography/list of references, giving precise details of all the sources (printed, electronic, and other) that you have consulted

Graphs may be used. The graphimage (jpeg)is excluded from the word count. Howeverany description or analysis will be included in the word count and should not be in jpeg format.

Below is an example of a graph where words used will not go towards the final word count:

• The focus of this assignment is:
oThe identification and supporting justification of an area of research.

oThe design of an approach to researching that area.
oA justification of the approach selected.

• The word count is up to 3,500 words

It is your own choice as to how many words to use within
this limit. The word count does not include the title page or a
Table of Contents page.

• The upper limit of the word count of 3,500 words should not be exceeded see point 3 on page 2.

• You MUST state an accurate word count (excluding the list of references) on the front page of your submission.

• Note that ALL words/numbers, excluding the references list, will count towards to the total word count. You may use foot notes, illustrations, charts, diagrams, tables but they willall count towards the total word count.

• You are not obliged to but mayif you wish include an executive summary and/or an abstract.
If you choose to do so they willcount towards to the total word count.

• Any unauthorised work received after the submission deadline will receive a recorded mark of zero.

• You must ensure that you cite references consistently. Harvard referencing system is preferred

• No appendices are allowed.
Any extracts of graphs or figures or illustrations or questionnaires or
interview schedules should be in the main body of the coursework assignment.

• For formatting guidance, please refer to theCoursework Presentation Guide on the VLE.

• Submitted coursework assignments are subject to a range of quality control and scrutiny checks including, as appropriate, double marking and/or moderation and/or scrutiny by the module's
Internal and/or External Examiners. All submitted coursework assignments are subject toTurnitinchecking for plagiarism (see point 2 below). All results when first published are provisional until confirmed by the Examination Board (to be held in early 2018).

• Assessment criteria are referred to in point 4 on page 3 /Appendix A on page 6.

Tasks and requirements

There is one requirement in this section, as specified in the Task further below. The focus is the proposal and design of a research study.

This coursework assignment focuses on your own personal or professional area of interest. The area of interest is likely to be work related but the choice of another area of focus is not excluded. Whichever area of focus you choose it should be justified in your coursework assignment. If you decide to select an area not


-related ensure that the area isof substance and is not ‘light weight'. As reflected in the Taskdetailed below, you are required to select, justify and formulate a research proposal for your selected area of focus.

Thus far in this module's materials you have been introduced to and considered the methodological underpinning of a number of aspects of the nature and logistics of, amongst others:

There is onerequirement in this section, as specified in the Taskfurther below. The focus is the proposal and design of a research study.

This coursework assignment focuses on your own personal or professional area of interest. The area of interest is likely to be work related but the choice of another area of focus is not excluded. Whichever area of focus you choose it should be justified in your coursework assignment. If you decide to select an area not Workrelated ensure that the area isof substance and is not ‘light -weight'.

As reflected in the Taskdetailed below, you are required to select, justify and formulate a research proposal for your selected area of focus.

Thus far in this module's materials you have been introduced to and considered the methodological underpinning of a number of aspects of the nature and logistics of, amongst others:

- The nature of research: ‘what research is'
- Research objectives, hypotheses, and questions.
- Research paradigms.
- Literature reviews.
- Research designs.
- The nature of and approaches to qualitative research.
- The nature of and approaches to quantitative research
- The nature of and approaches to mixed methods research.

In developing your research proposal you will draw upon, as appropriate, all or some, of the aspects introduced and considered in this module's materials.

You will also undertake your own further consideration of other supporting literature appropriate to your task, showing wider
independent research and learning.

There is one task. This is for you toconstruct a research proposalwhich captures and articulates a research design for your chosen area of interestfocus

This task comprises a number of components.

It would be worth noting that there is a possibility for you to link your coursework assignment to your final project's business plan/consultancy report. However, do note that the assessment brieffor this particular courseworkisspecific and maynot necessarily suit your ultimate business plan/report. Thiscoursework ismore academic andassesses the theoretical frameworks of research methods whereas the project is more practical in nature

As a consequence this coursework assignment may not naturally lend itself as a precursor to the project.

Guidance for undertaking and completing the Task

You are advised to ensure that itaddresses each of those points further below.

Please be reminded that the nature of this coursework assignment is academic and may not lend itself to linking easily to the final project which is focused more on a strategic business plan/consultancy report.

You may, for example, explore a specific organizational phenomenon as the basis of your research proposal. This may be built upon withinyour final project's business plan/consultancy report , especially where you may wish to citesome of thebenefits within the literature of that phenomenonas part of a suggested strategy to implement in your workplace context. It might then also be appropriate to actually explore it within your workplace context via part of the appropriate methods you discuss within your research proposal. This is, of course, something quite specific. Our advice would be not to try to make your research proposal fit what you want to use it for as part of the project, but rather ensure you satisfy the criteria/areas detailed below which should be covered in producing your research proposal. Use this assignment to explore a topic of interestto you, in the first instance.

Need 3500 Words

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