You need to write a paper about digitalization.
One of the most significant transformations that are occurring in the world of today is digitalization. It involves many fields of everyday and business life, and there is a considerable need to understand this effect holistically. (Hagberg et al., 2016) Digitalization has increased rapidly also in retail business and seems to lead the way to capture the customer value also in the future. Some existing studies, including McCormick et al. (2014) and Peltola et al. (2015) emphasize the importance of proper management of digitalization and customer value. Digital revolution brings new business models with multiple opportunities and challenges to firms. Succeeding in the retail business of today requires continuous monitoring and management of the business environment.
In addition to traditional brick & mortars, there are many other channels and platforms all of which need to be managed optimally together in order to meet the customer needs, maximize the customer experience and outperform competitors. Having a customer-centric business model is the key to success nowadays.
The opportunities and challenges of digitalization and mobile applications presented lead to the formulation of the following research question and supporting questions:
- Research question: How to retain customer value in retail mobile applications?
- Supporting question: How to increase customer value through activities?
- Supporting question: What are the key indicators to measure the success?
The objective of this study is to find the best practices on managing customer value of retail mobile applications. In more detail, this means identifying features that maximize the customer benefits, and key indicators that should be used to measure the success of the retail mobile applications. Based on the research questions, objectives, and structure, the method of this study is case analysis (Hagberg et al., 2016). Theoretical findings of the literature review are elaborated in the context of the case company through empirical research. According to Ketokivi and Choi (2014), this can be considered theory elaboration that is a mode of conducting case research.