You need to prepare a data management programme with visual basic 2012 as front end and MySql as back end.
I want to filter data grid view table with List box (multiple selected) .
When I select one item it works fine and when I select multiple items in the List box. I am able to get all the items of a column in the list box by following code
Query = "Select * from ``.`trial` "
COMMAND = New MySqlCommand(Query, MySqlConn)
READER = COMMAND.ExecuteReader
While READER.Read
Dim sCountry = READER.GetString("COUNTRY")
End While
But for filtering data when I use below query it does not work ( for multiple selected or more than one item ) It does not work Query which I use is-
Query = "Select * from ``.`trial` Where `COUNTRY`in (''" & ListBox1.SelectedItem& "'' )"