
You need to implement the sequence diagram with smalltalk

Assignment with smalltalk program

1. You need to implement the sequence diagram with smalltalk program

About the implementation

- Use "set" in smalltalk to store the collection

- Use Id to find the same id from other graph, and seperate the collection by arc, task, event and gateways

- For coding:
Check the book of basic library pdf section"collection"

Book: app dew guide pdf
Begging from "control structure"

book: tool guide.pdf
"System brwoser + object inspector"

- use the "isKindOf()"method to seperate the task, event, and gateway, because those are all called by node, before to seperate it , we need to create a collection for all of the node by using"graphModelling"

Coding like:
allGraph Node collection:[x|x isKindOf: ]

1. Title: Model Driven Co-Evolution of Business Processes

2. Description:
The Knowledge and Software Engineering Lab is developing state-of-the-art techniques for the abstraction and evolution of visual business process models.
A prototype for the abstraction of business processes has been implemented in a model driven engineering framework and demonstrated with real-world process examples.
The goal of this project is to extend the existing prototype with co-evolution capabilities. In particular, the aim is to develop a distributed environment that allows the simultaneous changes of process views in the different locations and their synchronisation.

3. Skill requirements:
Students should have knowledge about data modelling programming in object-oriented languages like Java.
Knowledge aout Business process modelling is beneficial.

4. Tasks involved:
- Get familiar with Smalltalk and the VisualWorks development environment
- Get familiar with business process notations and version control.
- Get familiar with existing implementation
- Prepare a design for the implementation of a co-evolutionary approach
- Implement the design in the existing prototype

2. ICTDesignDocument - Software Engineering Template (complete the template)

The SDD documents and tracks the necessary information required to effectively define architecture and system design in order to give the development team guidance on the architecture of the system to be developed. Design documents are incrementally and iteratively produced during the system development life cycle, based on the particular circumstances of the information technology (IT) project and the system development methodology used for developing the system.Its intended audience is the project manager, project team, and development team. Some portions of this document, such as the user interface (UI), may be shared with the client/user, and other stakeholders whose input/approval into the UI is needed.

3-  Presentation

All group members must be present for the presentation and be capable of answering any questions asked during the session. Failure to answer questions or contribute where required will result in a loss of individual marks.

• Background of project

• Requirements - just a summary

• Overview of what you built/delivered and who is responsible for what
o List of achievements - what you were asked for and what you did. A slide on what each person contributed should be included for best marks. You might consider demonstrations/screen shots or similar to support this.
o These should demonstrate a strong effort was made across all group members and should sell the final product/deliverable.

• List of issues/problems and how they were successfully resolved (if at all)

• Future Directions
o Lessons learned
o Where to from here?

• Speaking Skills and Communication
o Slide construction
o Grammar
o Presentation style
o Team members were poised,had clear articulation and demonstrated a thorough understanding of the project. Every team member participated at a very high and balanced level (eg, answered directed questions). Speakers demonstrated good volume, and eye contact. Enthusiasm and confidence was displayed. The presentation fits into the ~10-15 minute time allotment.

Textbook - Programming Smalltalk - Object-Orientation from the Beginning An introduction to the principles of programming by Johannes Brauer

Attachment:- Sequence and UML Class Diagram.rar

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Computer Engineering: You need to implement the sequence diagram with smalltalk
Reference No:- TGS02471183

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