
you need to implement a function which will write

You need to implement a function which will write out a given user-specified memory location to disk in base 10. That means that you have to convert the large number data structure back into base 10 digits before writing them back out to disk. The user will input the file name that the file is supposed to write to along with which memory location.

Your program should be menu driven and contain menu functions for each of the functions that you had to write above. Your code doesn't need to be super optimized, but it does need to be good enough so that any given command takes at most one minute to execute.
The menu should look as follows.
1. Read in a number from a file

2. Print out a large number to the screen

3. Add two large numbers

4. Subtract two large numbers

5. Multiply two large numbers

6. Integer divide two large numbers

7. Location 1 modulo location 2

8. Write to disk in base 10

9. Quit

Choose your option: 1

File name: a.dat

Memory location (number between 1 and 3): 1

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Computer Engineering: you need to implement a function which will write
Reference No:- TGS0217645

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