
You need to identify summarize and discuss an international

You need to identify, summarize, and discuss an international management current event article in a short written assignment (and class discussion as directed). Topics to choose from can include globalization, managing expatriates, corruption abroad, training expatriates, motivation and culture, managing expatriate stress, organizational culture, communication for foreigners, etc. These topics are frequently found in the news reports, government reports, business publications, and recently published journals. 

The written current event article summary should be about two - four pages in length (more pages are okay) along with the complete reference for this article in APA style at the end (the reference should provide the authorâs name, year of publication, the title of the article, the source, and the URL link if you retrieve it from an online source). In addition, if the source is available online (such as CNN.com or other news outlet), provide the retrieval or viewing date right before the URL. In your paper summary and discussion, include the following:

1. Title of the article and author(s)

2. The key points of the article

3. Relevance of the article to international management

4. What you learned from the article?

Source of the article and publication date (APA Style).

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Business Management: You need to identify summarize and discuss an international
Reference No:- TGS02271151

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