
You need to choose two research journal articles that you


Abstract One

You need to choose two research journal articles that you will (possibly) be using for the final project. Prepare an abstracted form of the article. It should be no more than one page.

Cite - the source cite (in correct APA style). This is at the top of the page. Because the page is about the article, you need not include a reference page. It is rarely appropriate to directly cite from the article. This is all about putting the author(s) ideas into your own words.

Rationale - Why the study was conducted.

Review of Literature - briefly outline ideas they include. Include Research Questions and/or Hypotheses (you may list them if there are one or two, but if there are more than that, you should describe them. (eg. "The work was centered on six research questions and one hypothesis about the relationships between men, women, and how their sex/gender influenced their managerial preferences.")

Methods - briefly include methods used

Results - outline ideas and the conclusions they draw. No reason for numerical issues (reliability, alpha, etc.).

Findings - what did they author(s) conclude? (This is the most important part of the article. It is what you read about in your textbooks.)

Comments as a communication scholar - this section needs to include your personal conclusions about the article. The "you" in this section is you as a communication scholar.

Use the full page for this abstract. This kind of abstract is not the same thing as an abstract that appears at the beginning of the article.

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