ABC Company deals with import and export textiles. The company has few department and about 50 employees. The company has requested you to write a C++ program for file based database for employee in code blocks.
The system must also be able to add employee when new employee joined the company. The system must also be able to edit the record, search for employee record. When Employee leaves the company it must allow them
to delete the record.
You must use C++ program to create file based system to add, view, search, edit, delete the records and we should be able to exit the program
Your program must include necessary validation to accept the correct input for adding and editing record.
Sample screen design of each function is shown in attach:
You will need to create functions for each of the 5 menu options. Entering the number will call the correct function.
I have done the add, view, delete and exit the program. I just need program for search and edit and validation of the full program.
Attachment:- My program.rar