
You must use brand models to support your research and


Fashion brand dior

Word count: 2500 words

For this assessment, you will take on the role of an Independent Brand Consultant to identify and formalise a viable marketing proposal for a brand of your choice.

You then need to fully explore and research your chosen brand, then decide on a marketing campaign which will increase sales / increase customers.

Your report should be presented using SOSTAC.Consideringyour brand of choice, and the elements learnt throughout the unit, you will produce a professional report.

Situation analysis:

The brand audit must research your chosen brands current brand identity, sources of brand equity, all brand communication touch points and marketing activities and examine how these contribute to customer perception and consumers' experience. Please consider:

• A visual timeline illustrating key developments in products and brand identity over time
• Competitor analysis
• STP, Target consumer profile, visual &written
• USP: core values andcharacteristics
• Visual design and Aesthetics of the brand
• Marketing mix & productoffer
• Marketing communicationactivities
• Retailenvironment(if appropriate)
• Serviceexperience (if appropriate)
• Macro and micro research into economic, social and cultural trends through trend and market research data relevant to your brand and target market that identifies an opportunity for the brand extension or brand stretch

You must use brand models to support your research, and clearly identify the need for your marketing idea. Secondary research must be evidenced. Both qualitative and quantitative from databases (e.g. Mintel), trend prediction services (e.g. WGSN) must be used. Please identify and acknowledge all sourcesused.


SMART Objectives.

Strategy & Tactics:

The following should be considered, as appropriate:

• Brand
• Consumer
• Market
• Product
• Price
• Competition
• Place &Distribution / supply chain
• Retail
• Marketing communications

This section should not simply be subjective, but will need to clearly demonstrate your understanding of relevant management and branding theory as taught and contained in the reading list textbooks.


GANT chart of activities
Estimated budget

Evaluation of success

Below is suggested structure and content that you are expected to use for your Plan.

Title Sheet
Course title and year
Your name
Title of your Business Plan indicating your brand name

Executive Summary
Usually written last

200-250 words (excluding from report word count) on one page

A short summary of report including the main features, as well as conclusions & recommendations

Contents Page

Shows each section of the report and the page number on which it starts

List of tables/illustrations (if any) indicating all numbered tables (or charts, graphs, etc.) / illustrations and their respective pages in the report

NB: Page one comes immediately after the contents page or the list of tables/illustrations

Each section and sub-section is numbered, e.g.

I. Introduction


Main body of the report, formatted in a logical way.

Your report should not simply be subjective, but will need to clearly demonstrate your understanding of relevant theory as taught and contained in the reading list text books.

May include diagrams, graphs and flow charts to help to convey your information concisely.


Appendices should contain material/documents referred to in the main body of the report

They should be cross-referenced

Pages in the appendices do not need to be numbered, but each appendix should have a reference number, e.g. Appendix One
Refer the reader to the appropriate appendix by its reference number

For example, ‘Research by Mintel (see Appendix Three) shows that...'


Include all cited publication in the text. Should follow Harvard referencing

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Microeconomics: You must use brand models to support your research and
Reference No:- TGS02543186

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