
You must have made your 1st two response posts by this

Graded Discussion 2- Week 2

Deadline 2 for Graded Discussion: 1st two response posts

you must have made your 1st two response posts by this deadline. You can respond to 2 initial posts of other members in your discussion group, you can respond to an initial post and someone else's response,... the goal is to engage in a conversation. I encourage you to include questions in your responses to stimulate a digital conversation.

In post 2 (your response posts), this week, you must address the following:

II. In your 2nd and 3rd posts for Graded Discussion 2, provide responses/comments to at least 2 classmates on 2 separate days. In your responses/comments do either #1 or #2 below:

1. (a) Identify 1 item from their post that you have observed in your own personal experiences and (b) relate this topic to your personal experiences. For example, if the post discusses communication in emergency situations and you recently experienced an emergency situation on the mountain- discuss how good/bad communication impacted your emergency experience on the mountain. Use the assigned Week 2 reading, Week 2 PowerPoints, and additional research to (c) support your key points and (d) end your response post with a question to your classmates about what they think or what they would do in a similar situation.

2. Extend 1 item from their post that you find interesting or puzzling... by extend I mean (a) apply 1 item from their post to a (b) current business, sports, news, film, or book and (c) explain how they are related. Again, use the assigned Week 2 reading, Week 2 PowerPoints, and additional research to (d) support your key points.

Keep in mind the assessment criteria as you compose your response posts each week:


The online discussion contributions will be assessed using a rubric with the following five areas.

1.  Topic coverage: Extent to which ideas, knowledge and concepts of the week are addressed. The discussions are based on readings (unless explicitly stated otherwise). As a result you will frequently refer to these readings during the discussions. In order to facilitate communication, you will need to state the name of the author, for example like this (Porter, 2001), or like this: "as Porter (2001) mentions..." Readings & other course materials are provided in the course schedule.

2.  Boundary crossing: Extent to which you incorporate topics, ideas, concepts, articles from previous weeks in the discussion. Clearly, this becomes more important as we progress in the semester. In addition, you can cross boundaries by incorporating material you have learned in other classes or from your own experience, as long as this material is related to the topics discussed in threads.

3. Discussion initiation and extension: A) Extent to which you contribute with a substantive question or comment leading towards a question, which is related to the topic. The question needs to be original (i.e., not posted by anyone previously), but it can be a follow up or an extension of previous questions. B) Extent to which you continue discussion others have initiated by providing more (not the same) arguments or counterarguments grounded in ideas presented in the readings and slide presentations.

4. Critical thinking: Extent to which your contributions creatively and innovatively address the topics discussed. As mentioned before management is not only about mere repetition of the textbook ideas. It also is about creatively using this knowledge and combining it to form new ideas, opinions, and arguments.

5. Hyperlinks, Grammar & Readability: To make the most of the on-line format, additional credit will be given to students adding insightful/useful hyperlinks with summaries of the information included within their responses in the online discussion. As a rule of thumb, students aiming for an A would be expected to include, every week, at least one (1) hyperlink that relates, enhances and supports their posting. Additionally, your contributions will be evaluated based on their grammar and readability.

Each of the above-mentioned bullets will be assessed using the following scale:

Not included





Very Good









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Management Theories: You must have made your 1st two response posts by this
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