
You must follow normal essay format with cover page

Assessment Task 1: Leadership Context - 1500 words

Assessment details:

Consider the role, situation, and the leadership behaviour that might be required in the scenarios listed in the table below. Choose three of these and write up to 1,500 words on how leadership might be exercised and what are the contextual factors that are relevant.

You must follow normal essay format with cover page, introduction and conclusion plus a reference section.

1. CEO of a multi-national company

2. Conducting a symphony orchestra

3. A sports coach (soccer coach Pep Guardiola)

Criteria used to grade this task:

Word length is 1,000 words. Assessment based on marking criteria in the marking guide noted below.

Possible format of the essay:

Dear BUMGT5970 Students,

Here is an example of how to write an introduction and paragraph for assessment task one.


This essay will critically evaluate three different leaders within the Australian workplace context and the leadership traits exhibited.

Firstly, this essay will critically evaluate the work context of (Insert context) and the leadership traits of a X leader......(CEO of a multi-national company - Honk Kong Disneyland)

Secondly, this essay will critically evaluate the work context of (Insert context) and the leadership traits of a X leader...(Conducting a symphony orchestra)

Thirdly, this essay will critically evaluate the work context of (Insert context) and the leadership traits of a X leader...(a sports coach - Pep Guardiola)

How to Write a Paragraph

It is the intention of this paragraph to critically evaluate the leadership style of a manager in an aged care home.

Brown (2014), highlights that a aged care manager is likely to be a caring, empathic and participative leader nursing staff responsible for creating a humane and supportive living environment for the aged.

White (2012), also argues that an aged care manager is likely to work in an environment that is confronted with multiple leadership situations such as_____, ____, ___.

Yellow (2011) also argues that a aged care manager needs to lead a diverse workforce of highly trained nurses, age care specialists, maintenance and laundry staff that results in the leader exhibiting directive as well as participative decision making and delegation skills an d behaviour traits.

In conclusion, an aged care manager tends to lead a diverse workforce of nurses, age care specialists, chefs, maintenance and cleaning staff. The leadership style of an aged care manager is dependent upon the skills level of the employer or the interaction between the manager and dealing with family members concerns.

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Business Management: You must follow normal essay format with cover page
Reference No:- TGS02868147

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