Topic: Sustainable Development
You might proceed by asking yourself a number of questions. What were the initial reasons why the term "sustainable development" was coined? What should be the Engineer's ethical response? Does the current Code of Ethics cover sustainable development? Is this part of the Code enforceable? Do Engineers really work to make their projects sustainable? Examples? Can an Engineer's obligations to the environment be upheld without Sustainable development? What kinds of changes am I personally willing to make for sustainability? Has the original concept of sustainability been compromised ? These questions are only suggestions; ask further questions of your own composition.
In addition to your own opinions, it is important to support your views with the facts; therefore you will need to research this paper by becoming aware of the profession's perspective on Sustainable Development. Search websites, journals, books and other library resources. Talk to Engineers and people in the Engineering industry including related professions (i.e. Architects), trades people (i.e. Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters), Engineering Technicians and Technologists.
In the assessment of this assignment I will be looking for evidence of awareness of issues, a clearly stated opinion, logical arguments, and significant academic support of your opinions and arguments, including personal interviews with Professional Engineers. In addition, I will look at the quality of the bibliographic resources used, including internet sites, books, journals, newspapers, and other periodicals.
The assignment should be approximately 8 double spaced pages in length; this is an approximation, not a constriction. Double-space the printed paper using standard white 8.5" x 11" sheets. Number all pages. Be sure to properly credit all sources using standard endnotes and a bibliographic format; the bibliographic citation style is Chicago; you must be consistent and complete. It is simple to check completeness; the original source should be easily found using the information you provide in your notes and bibliography. The references should be at least 10 resources of academic books or journals.
- Sufficient and good bibliography (10 resources of academic books or journals)
- Case history clearly outlined
- Originality of case history/Ontario linkages
- Rehabilitation/enforceability of the Code