
You might find it useful to keep a log of the times

1. Do you notice different response time when you are on the Net? Which times of day tend to give you the fastest file downloads? Which times are the worst? If you haven't noticed any patterns, try logging on at different times of the day, watch for fast connections and slow connections, and see if you can find any patterns. You might find it useful to keep a log of the times of day and one or two actual download times for each Internet session.

2. Different studies have come to different conclusions about the effects of the Internet on audio CD sales. Do you think Internet access and MP3 file sharing is hurting the sale of audio CDs, stimulating more CD sales, or having no effect on CD sales at all? Explain your answer and back it up with any hard facts you can find.

3. All operating systems exhibit security vulnerabilities that require ongoing patches and system updates. System administrators take responsibility for these maintenance tasks when computers are used in the workplace, but home computers are relatiely vulnerable because home computer users often have not understanding of online security and proper precautions. Who should assume responsibility for the online security of home computers? Computer manufacturers? Software manufacturers? ISPs? Everyone who owns a home computer? How would you go about fixing the problem of Internet security for recreational or casual computer users?

4. Browse one of the online archives of Urban Legends, and pick out the funniest or most improbable urban legend you can find. Do you think this rumor caused anyone any damage, or was it completely harmless? Are most ofthe urban legends you saw harmless bits of folklore? Did you see any that looked like they might have been dangerous? 

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Basic Computer Science: You might find it useful to keep a log of the times
Reference No:- TGS082251

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