
You might explore the significance of a sudden shift in the

Essay Assignment

For your second essay, you must perform a close reading of one of the texts we have read in this course. The specific argument you make is up to you. For example, you might discuss the meaning of a particularly ambiguous phrase, an oddly repeated word, or a conspicuous omission; you might explore the significance of a sudden shift in the narrative's tone or point of view; you could explore an individual character's perception or motivations; or you could discuss the way a given text positions its reader. Feel free to address any problem that has been raised in the discussion board, or come up with your own entirely new issue. The only condition is: you must directly engage the text, examining quotes to support your argument. A strong paper will deal carefully with the specific words and grammar of the text, addressing its multiple meanings and inherent uncertainties. I suggest that you focus on a single passage, and explore it in detail.

The texts you can choose "The Lady with The Dog" or "The Yellow Wallpaper".

All drafts must be 3-4 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman).

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Other Subject: You might explore the significance of a sudden shift in the
Reference No:- TGS02693099

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