
You may want to clarify the thesis topic highlight the


This assignment has a number of specific objectives, including LEARNING TO:

1. Practice evaluating your peers - grading your peers' work is part of the learning process. You improve, and they improve.

2. Recognize, recall, interpret and apply concepts from specific areas of economics.

3. Critically evaluate evidence, assumptions and inferences.

4. Apply your understanding of economic concepts, theories, and methods for the purpose of gaining insights about events which are likely to occur in the context of daily life.

5. Effectively communicate your understanding of economics in written form.

6. Find peer reviewed empirical economic research in the library, read this research critically, and use it to support your insight into and understanding of everyday behavior and phenomena.

7. Prepare and submit a document according to a detailed set of instructions.

For this assignment, your task is to write ancritical essay on the concepts discussed in the article provided to you, to highlight your in-depth understanding of the topic and of economic issues/concepts/questions raised by the topic, to showcase your insight into and understanding of the research related to this topic, to illuminate how research has advanced understanding of the topic, and to demonstrate your ability to write about this topic in an engaging, effective and informative manner.

Your essay must be between 500 and 600 words long. All parts of the essay must be consistent with APA format (more info on the APA format appears later in this document). Words that exceed 600 words will not be read.

Whichever topic you choose, your research essay should be arranged into roughly three parts. These parts do not need to be labelled and each part may consist of one paragraph or more paragraphs. In Part 1, your task is to identify and describe what you consider critical or interesting issues, problems, questions or concepts which are raised by the article, and which are most directly relevant to economics. The goal of Part 1 is to provide a context or background for the remainder of your essay, and for you to inform the reader about the specific focus of your essay. In Part 2, you are expected to use insights and information you have gained from the peer reviewed economic research articles in order to illuminate (or increase understanding of) one or more of the critical issues or questions that are raised by the topic, or to increase your understanding of these issues or questions. In Part 3, your task is to draw conclusions, make connections between Parts 1 and 2, acknowledge limitations that are relevant to Part 2 or that were raised in the research articles you referenced, and perhaps propose research that would need to be carried out to address new questions which occurred to you.

You research essay must be based on published peer reviewed economic research, and must make appropriate use of and refer to at least 3, with a maximum of 5, peer reviewed economics journal articles.


For this assignment, your task is to write an critical essay on the concepts discussed in the article provided to you, to highlight your in-depth understanding of the topic and of economic issues/concepts/questions raised by the topic, to showcase your insight into and understanding of the research related to this topic, to illuminate how research has advanced understanding of the topic, and to demonstrate your ability to write about this topic in an engaging, effective and informative manner.

Your essay must be between 500 and 600 words long. All parts of the essay must be consistent with APA format (more info on the APA format appears later in this document). Words that exceed 600 words will not be read.

Whichever topic you choose, your research essay should be arranged into roughly three parts. These parts do not need to be labelled and each part may consist of one paragraph or more paragraphs. In Part 1, your task is to identify and describe what you consider critical or interesting issues, problems, questions or concepts which are raised by the article, and which are most directly relevant to economics. The goal of Part 1 is to provide a context or background for the remainder of your essay, and for you to inform the reader about the specific focus of your essay. In Part 2, you are expected to use insights and information you have gained from the peer reviewed economic research articles in order to illuminate (or increase understanding of) one or more of the critical issues or questions that are raised by the topic, or to increase your understanding of these issues or questions. In Part 3, your task is to draw conclusions, make connections between Parts 1 and 2, acknowledge limitations that are relevant to Part 2 or that were raised in the research articles you referenced, and perhaps propose research that would need to be carried out to address new questions which occurred to you.

You research essay must be based on published peer reviewed economic research, and must make appropriate use of and refer to at least 3, with a maximum of 5, peer reviewed economics journal articles.

Writing a research essay requires you to make a series of choices: focusing on one or more of the economic issues or problems that are raised by the article, and selecting published empirical reports (note: these must be peer reviewed economic journal articles) that serve to increase understanding of those same issues or problems. The most important task is for you to demonstrate that you are able to analyze in a critical way an everyday problem, that you are able to make appropriate connections between this problem and economic concepts, theories, terminology and methods, and that you are able to express your understanding and insights effectively in written form. Higher grades will be awarded for essays that show a thorough understanding of one or a few issues or problems, rather than a superficial survey of a large number of concepts, facts or theories.

The 500 - 600 word limit for the research essay is an important part of this assignment. If you submit a longer essay, the graders will stop reading after the limit set for the report. Writing a short essay is challenging; it requires you to be concise and to focus on the most important facts or concepts. Developing this type of writing takes practice, lots of it, and typically, a high quality final version requires several drafts. For this reason, plan ahead, and plan to write more than one draft.

If you have difficulty writing well in English, please consult the Writing Centre staff for assistance. You will find them through the UBC Learning Commons.


Your task is to use published peer reviewed economic research to critically evaluate the article.

You may want to clarify the thesis topic, highlight the assumptions made, the biases of the author etc and provide a brief summary of the argument and the supporting evidence. You will then want to establish your own theme, and develop it with reference to your research. You may want to highlight strengths and weaknesses. Finally, you will want to put some sort of closure on your research.

Write an essay based on article - I need only 550 words.

Check the Assignment description for question and article file. And you can check requirement file if you need.

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Business Economics: You may want to clarify the thesis topic highlight the
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