
You may assess the team development of your present


Most organizations desire to improve in areas of efficiency and effectiveness. As we have seen in this course, many of these improvements depend on the level of engaged team performance. However, an organization may be unaware of the current status of their team processes- their effectiveness and level of engagement. That is where the work of a consultant can help. Consultants often conduct their study by direct observation, interviews, document reviews, and research. For this assignment, you will take on the role of a consultant in order to assess an organization's approach to team development.

You will assess an organization's team development by direct observation and review or by investigating available research. You may assess the team development of your present employer, past employer, church, or school, or you can assess another organization's team development. The assessment will be created with the thought that the organization's management would use this to determine the current status of team development and to present findings on the organization's team culture, including team empowerment, team engagement, communication, and motivation.

The paper will include 2principle parts: Part 1 will include a 4-5-page organizational team assessment, based on your observations and/or research, and Part 2 will include a 4-5-page summaryand conclusion that compares your findings from the assessment with current research, the course textbooks, and Scripture. Part 1 does not require citations of literature-this will occur in Part 2. The paper must include a title page and Part 2 must be in current APA format and include a reference page with at least 8 references (4 of which must be from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals) in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible.

The assessment mustutilize the following format:

1. Title Page

2. Part 1: Organizational team assessment

a. Introduction
b. Background of the organization
c. Team culture
d. Team empowerment and engagement
e. Team communication
f. Team motivation

3. Part 2: Integration and conclusions

4. References.

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Business Management: You may assess the team development of your present
Reference No:- TGS02680695

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