
You may also use this writing opportunity to reflect based

The Red Wolf Tomorrow: Part III

"I am hopeful...that future generations will come to know, understand, and value the red wolf's tremendously complex and inspiring story"(Beeland, 227).

Assignment: Part III of your common refers to the Red Wolves Tomorrow. Efforts continue to be made to preserve/protect them. Questions continue to be raised about how dedicated man is, to continue to allow this to be an option.

Several passages in Part III that lend to optimism of the red wolves' future; other passages express concern regarding the future of the red wolf species.

1) What are your thoughts? Based on your readings of Parts I and II of the common reader, how does the reading in Part III make you feel about the overall conservation of the red wolf? For example, do you feel that the red wolf species is worth the effort being made to prevent extinction? Why or Why not?

Researchers in the book are making continuous efforts to make this happen, but they also realize that help beyond their efforts is needed. What are some options, not acknowledged in the book, that you feel, may serve as opportunities to preserve the red wolf species?

2) You may also use this writing opportunity to reflect: Based on what you have read, how do you, as an AState Red Wolf feel about YOUR future?

Do you feel you will ‘become extinct' (example- not being successful in college because of unwise academic choices during your college career)?

Do you feel you can/will be ‘preserved/saved' (example- overcoming various challenges of transitioning from an independent student, to an autonomous individual)?

These are EXAMPLESyou are encouraged to write about other instances that may you feel you will ‘become extinct' or be ‘saved'.

In composing your response, you may use either one or both of these options. Please use references from the common reader, to support your paper. Please remember to cite sources PROPERLY, meaning page number, referenced person/persons, etc. using the APA format.To reiterate, this assignment is SUBJECTIVE.

Basically, you are being encouraged to think critically about how Part III and (if you choose) parts 1 and/or 2 of your common reader has affected YOU, as an AState Red Wolf. Examples of what is being asked for your paper are given above, however, these are just EXAMPLES.

Your paper needs to be at least 2 pages in length. Your paper will primary be graded on how well you are able to use at least one of the options listed above (again, with page numbers, theories, and/or quotes corrected acknowledged IN YOUR PAPER for support).

However, keep in mind that the mechanics of your paper i.e. cohesive sentences, transition of thoughts, correct usage of grammar and punctuation, etc. will also be graded.

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Dissertation: You may also use this writing opportunity to reflect based
Reference No:- TGS02626152

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