
you have volunteered to work in the peace corps

You have volunteered to work in the Peace Corps in order to use your skills to benefit others. The country you have been assigned has just ended a 5 year civil war. You show up at the local hospital to begin your shift. A patient presents himself to the area dubbed the "ER". He is a local farmer brought in from the land he was just tilling with multiple wounds to the chest. The physician on duty examines him and begins to debride the wound. He extracts small clear pieces of what appears to be broken plastic. He sends the sample to the small makeshift laboratory for

analysis. One of the staff in the laboratory has had a minor in materials science. The lap comes back with more information regarding the material.  It turns out to be Lucite Meanwhile back in the ER, the physician tries his best aided by a magnifying glass to clean out the wounds, but even after his best efforts, the patient still complains he feels something in his chest. The physician calls for the portable chest X-ray machine to be brought in, but nothing is noticed on the film. The physician contacts his chief and notes he has been seeing more of these types of wounds among the farmers tending their crops. He makes a request for an imaging modality (i.e. CT, ultrasound, MRI) that can help locate this material in the body.

You are head of the "Biomedical Engineering Department" along with your 2 sharp Biomedical Engineering Technicians.  You are requested to assist in recommending a way of locating Lucite in the body. Luckily at the main local hospital you have satellite access to the Internet"

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Other Subject: you have volunteered to work in the peace corps
Reference No:- TGS0204233

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