
you have to watch the film good will hunting and

You have to watch the film Good Will Hunting and write a two page analysis of some aspect of the film Good Will Hunting. Your essay response to one of the following questions:

1) Analyze the role of gender in the film, and in particular in the relationship between Will and Skylar. How do gender role expectations affect the characters in the film? Do you see examples of men and/or women following gender norms? Breaking gender norms?

2) Analyze Will's group of friends as part of a subculture. What are the norms of this group of friends? How is Will affected by those norms? How are the norms related to class, gender, or any other larger cultural groups?

3) This film is about a series of conflicts -- within individual characters as well as between characters -- and many of those conflicts are related to class. Choose one or two of the major conflicts in the film and analyze the role of class in that conflict.

Essays that will receive full credit will:
--use course material, ideas and terminology in the analysis
--show original thought and engagement
--have no grammatical or spelling errors
--use specific examples from the film to illustrate your points

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Humanities: you have to watch the film good will hunting and
Reference No:- TGS0502701

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