
You have to use this three resources cultural tradition

I want this in APA format. You have to use this three resources. cultural tradition south indian cuisine midterm essay References Cultural India. (n.d.).

South Indian Food. Retrieved fromhttps://www.culturalindia.net/indian-food/south-indian.html Nandy, A. (2004).

The Changing Popular Culture of Indian Food. South Asia Research, 24, 9-19, doi: 10.1177/0262728004042760 Zimmermann, K.A. (2015).

Indian culture: Traditions and customs of India. Live Science online. Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/28634-indian-culture.html 1.Mid-term Essay Outline Instructions

For this assignment, you need to turn in an outline of your mid-term essay.
The outline should include the following:
• Introductory paragraph opening sentence
• Thesis statement
• Topic Sentences for each paragraph in the body (at least 3)
• Support for each topic sentence (at least 3 bullets) Support should include in-text citation information where appropriate
• Concluding thesis statement
• Concluding opinion or challenge
You should provide full sentences for the introduction, thesis statements, and topic sentences. Support for the topic sentences do not have to be complete sentences.

This is a hypothetical (pretend) outline that might have been created prior to writing the article noted in the footer below.
Stand Up and Be Counted for True Diversity
I. Introduction
1. Introductory paragraph: I fully believe in the power of corporate inclusion. For
American industry to be globally competitive, it must offer unfettered access to
those who possess the qualifications, talent, and drive.
2. Thesis: I believe it is the responsibility of corporate leadership to transform
companies into dynamic, innovative, and profitable entities by infusing diversity across their workforce, leadership teams, corporate boards, media spend, and supplier pools.
II. Body Paragraphs
1. Topic Sentence: Today's corporate culture of exclusion is disappointing.
1. Some companies ignore the need for diversity
2. Some companies think that if they have hired a few black people they have
done enough
3. Some think that considering diversity in their workforce is a distraction
2. Topic Sentence: Our numbers have been reduced as our position continues to be diluted - from the plant floor to the boardroom.
1. African Americans are underrepresented in senior management
- • 3.2% of senior management
- • 1% of CEO positions
2. Underrepresented in suppliers
- • 2.58% of total procurement
- • Smallest slice of the pie
3. 30% of the 250 largest companies have no African American board members
3. Topic Sentence: Silicon Valley is the worst offender.
1. 1 in 14 tech workers is black while blacks are 13.1% of population
2. Jesse Jackson led delegation to HP
3. Jesse Jackson wrote letters to Apple, Twitter, Facebook and Google about
exclusionary hiring practices
4. Topic Sentence: We need to continue taking action and advocating for diversity.
1. Companies practice illusory forms of diversity by showcasing a few people
2. Others are shut out
3. We need to stand up and be counted
5. Topic Sentence: If corporations enjoy record profits because of the purchasing power of blacks, they should hire blacks accordingly
1. 15% of a company's market share should equal 15% representation in
2. Don't reward a lack of reciprocity
3. Stand up and be counted
III. Conclusion (Restated Thesis): Those of us who hold positions of influence as senior managers should do more than just occupy a seat, we should promote diversity.
Graves Jr., E. G. (2014). Stand Up and Be Counted for True Diversity. Black Enterprise, 44(9), 12. (Full text available in Business Source Elite).

Midterm Essay Instructions

Grading focus will be on proper use of APA format, basic essay features, and coherency.
Please use the following as a checklist for your mid-term assignment.
• APA format used
• Abstract
• Body approximately 2-3 pages
? Opening sentence in introductory paragraph captures the readers attention
? Introductory paragraph ends in a thesis sentence
? Minimum of three body paragraphs each starting with a topic sentence that supports the thesis
? Supporting sentences in paragraphs are relevant to the topic sentence
? Conclusion begins with the thesis sentence stated in a fresh new way
• 3 citations on References page, minimum
• Basic grammar mistakes are corrected, e.g. articles, subject verb agreement
• There are no fragment sentences
• Capitalization is properly used
• Maximum of 6 pages total.
Please note the following from your syllabus:
Format for essay papers:
All essays should be submitted in APA style.The key elements you will need are the Title Page, Abstract, Body, and References page. (Note:No abstract is required on the Resource essays.)
1.Abstract: Summarize at high-level the information that you are going to be presenting in the paper.
2.Title Page: Use traditional APA style.Only require title, name and institution in title area.
3.Body of Document:
a.Introduction: Provide a well developed introduction for your topic. Include an attention-getting device, background, and thesis.
b.Body Paragraphs with Literature citations: Ensure each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that supports your thesis.Be sure that the supporting sentences are relevant to, and support your topic sentence.Avoid repeating the same sentence several times.Use proper citation format in the paper in the form of direct quotes and paraphrased information as related to your paragraph. Include the sources within the body and on a references page.
c.Supporting a controlling idea or thesis: Write your paper showing the knowledge that you have gained from the literature review. Include facts, statistics, and illustrations from the sources.Include personal examples and opinions as appropriate.
d.Conclusion: Restate your thesis, the main points, and provide your final thoughts or opinions. Provide a conclusive and synthesized ending to the critical information presented.
4.References Page: Be sure to use the American Psychological Association (APA) format for each written assignment unless otherwise noted.
Students should use their own, original words and should summarize, paraphrase and/or cite all resources used in writing. Plagiarism is not tolerated--any incident of plagiarism will receive 0 points, repeated incidents will be reported to the Student Conduct committee and the student may fail the course.
Academic Dishonesty:
Academic misconduct or cheating will not be tolerated.The following definition of academic misconduct has been developed by ITU:
Academic misconduct is defined as receipt or transmission of unauthorized aid on assignments or examinations, plagiarism, unauthorized use of examination materials, or other forms of dishonesty in academic matters.Academic misconduct is a major offense at ITU because it diminishes the quality of scholarship in our academic community and cheats those who may eventually depend upon our knowledge and integrity.
All Homework will be submitted to turnitin.com and EMS. Turnitin will check for plagiarism. It is critical that you list references when you are borrowing any concept from any sources. For every plagiarized assignment, the student will lose all points for the assignment and also be subjected to policies of ITU's Academic misconduct.

Midterm Presentation Instructions

Midterm Presentation is completed in class on July 11th, 2015.
Tips for Top Grades in Presentation
• Make sure the presentation is between 4 ½-5 minutes long - no more, no less.
• Practice your presentation so that you are not reading it
• Make sure your presentation contains stories and information that is presented in a way that both informs and entertains your audience
• Slide presentations
? Make sure the slides are not words only - that's boring
? Make sure all grammar and spelling is correct on each slide (Tip:Use bullets with minimal information instead of full sentences. A period at the end of line indicates it's a sentence, so don't use periods.)
? Maximum of 5 slides
? Keep information on slide to a minimum
? You should not stay on one slide for more than approximately one minute
• Grading will include
? Body language (e.g. physical stance, eye contact, management of nerves)
? Grammar
? Accurate slides (no spelling or grammar errors)
? Audience engagement and interest
? Introduction letting us know what you are about to tell us
? Conclusion explaining what you just told us
? Coherency (i.e. information is presented in a logical order)
? Relevancy of comments without constantly repeating yourself.
? Time management:4 ½-5 minutes
? Clear thesis
Vocal variety

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Essay Writing: You have to use this three resources cultural tradition
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