You have to develop a basic temperature class. Base skeleton code and a simple driver have been provided for you. In this assignment, you must complete the subsequnt items:
double fahrenheitToCelsius(double f)
This function should convert the supplied Fahrenheit value into its Celsius equivalent. The formula for doing so is:
double kelvinToCelsius(double k)
This function should convert the supplied Kelvin value into its Celsius equivalent. The formula for doing so is:
double getTemperature(TemperatureScale_t scale) const
This function returns the internal representation of the temperature, stored in Celsius, to the requested temperature scale.
void addTemperature(double temperature, TemperatureScale_t scale)
This function adds the specified temperature, using the specified scale, to the current temperature.
void subtractTemperature(double temperature, TemperatureScale_t scale)
This function subtracts the specified temperature, using the specified scale, to the from the current temperature.
string toString(TemperatureScale_t output_scale = Celsius)
This function converts the Temperature into its string representation. The conversion to Celsius is already provided and can be used as a template for outputting as Fahrenheit and Kelvin.