
You have previously replaced that person and have that role

Assignment is a presentation assessment that is divided into three sections. Part A is two blog posts about the critique of an online presentation video. Part B is a slide presentation and Part C is a recording of a live presentation to accompany the slides.

You are to take on the assumed responsibilities of ONE of the following three roles in the fictional company Tangle Corp.

a) Sales Manager: - addressing the sales team.

b) Office Manager: - addressing the administration team.

c) IT Manager: - addressing the IT technical team.

You have previously replaced that person and have that role and its responsibilities within the company. The proposal presented to senior management for a new CRM system from has been approved by the company and is going to be implemented in the coming weeks. You must prepare a presentation to your own departmental team to inform them of what the implementation of this solution will mean to them. The message of your presentation has the following objectives:

1. Allay fears and concerns that might exist in your team about the implications of this.

2. Deliver clear, concise and unambiguous information about what will happen.

3. Convince your team of the value of this solution to both them and the company as a whole.

The facts of the situation should be drawn from the information presented about Tangle Corp used plus your own reasonable fictional elaboration.

Only your ability to communicate is being assessed . If you lack sufficient knowledge of the practical considerations of such a situation then you should conduct adequate research on it sufficient only to make your communication of it plausible.

Part A - Three video links will be provided to you via Interact2 after topic 5 is concluded. Each video will have its own forum thread and will be an online recording of a presentation given by one person to a small audience.

For Part A of this assignment, students are required to post:

  • One analysis on one video.
  • One detailed response to another student's analysis.

These posts should be 250 words each (+/- 10%). There are no restrictions to the number of posts each student can make and you are encouraged to engage in the discussion freely as a normal blog/forum, however at least two are required for the assignment submission. 

Part B - Your slide presentation will be based on the Customer Records Management. The slide presentation should be created using all of the communication knowledge you have obtained during this subject.

Although it is intended to be a support tool for your personal presentation in Part C of this assignment and should therefore be closely aligned with it, the slide presentation should also be able to stand alone. It should have sufficient information to allow it to be useful as a document given to those staff that did not see your personal presentation.  

Part C - This is a video recording of a live presentation conducted by you to your team in person. The audience will be fictional and need not be simulated by any real audience. You must deliver a physical, personal version of your presentation which is aligned with and using your slides.

You should imagine yourself in an environment similar to a meeting room in the Tangle Corp offices. The actual physical environment is not important so long as it is conducive to an effective recording. Your slide presentation in Part B is intended to be your accompaniment and should align directly with, and be a tool for, your personal presentation. The content and purpose of your physical presentation is identical to Part B of this assessment.

In your recording you should be standing and be mostly visible (from at least the waist up). Ensure that your personal image is large enough in the frame to see your face and facial expressions. Remain within the camera field of view throughout your presentation. Your slides need not be visible in the video frame, but you should announce or indicate each slide number in time with your planned progress through them.

Rationale - Students are required to demonstrate the ability to create effective slide presentations and deliver them in person in a professional business setting. Students should demonstrate knowledge of effective presentation skills as well as the ability to convey an important message to a business team. Students should further develop the ability to use communication to create empathy, understanding, buy-in, clarity and support for themselves, their department and their company. Students should show the ability to use the specific tools of a slide presentation, their voice and their person to achieve communication outcomes.

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • be able to compose and deliver a professional presentation;
  • be able to design, leverage and manage practical communication tools and methods;
  • be able to facilitate group outcomes by using effective personal communication; and
  • be able to apply digital media and communications mediums for professional and business outcomes.


  • No editing or post-production changes are to be made to the video file.
  • Video can be in WMV, MP4, MOV, or other popular formats. Students may need to convert the file to a compressed format due to file size.
  • Uploading a large file may take time, and your submission time will be based on the timestamp of its arrival at IT Masters so please do not upload at the last hour to avoid possible late penalties.
  • Technical problems uploading a file are the student's responsibility.
  • The quality and integrity of the file is the student's responsibility and the file should be carefully tested before upload. Files are not tested by IT Masters before marking, so if the file received is corrupted it is possible that late penalties may apply until a replacement is received.
  • Any files submitted outside of EASTS should be in the format Surname_Firstname_studentno_subject, i.e. Doe_Jane_1234567_MGI521. This includes individual files and not just Dropbox folder names.

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Management Theories: You have previously replaced that person and have that role
Reference No:- TGS02167652

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