
You have identified a process to analyze and will be

BPI Term Project Requirements

In your term project, you are conducting a process improvement plan. You have identified a process to analyze and will be working to find ways to improve this process. You will present your plan and submit documentation in a binder at the appointed time for the final exam for this course. Presentation instructions will be available later.

Your project improvement plan documentation should contain the items listed below and be presented in a professional manner in a three-ring, tabbed binder. (I may have some empty binders from previous classes; just ask.) The binder should allow for an attractive cover to be inserted in a clear plastic sleeve on the front of the binder.

Include a digital copy of the project secured in in the binder in such a way that it will not fall out if the binder is upside down (zippered or other closable pouch).

Digital media will be returned on request after grades are reported. Digital media can be returned to a team member who presents signed authorization from the rest of the team.

The cover should include the name of the project, the names of the team members, the course name number, and section number, the date submitted, the instructor's name, College of Business, and Arkansas Tech University. All of this content should be centered horizontally and spaced appropriately vertically. The title should be in very large font. The other material should be in one or two smaller font sizes. A relevant image/graphic would be nice. Color on the cover page is also nice but in no way required (i.e., not factored into the grade).

The content of the binder should generally follow APA format (12-pt font, one-inch margins, double-spaced). Begin with a cover page inside the binder and a table of contents. The tabs should be professional in appearance and should separate and label sections, making it easy to find specific material.

The body of the document should be mostlyin essay (prose, text) format. Do not indent the first line of paragraphs but do include a blank line between paragraphs. Use appropriate subheadings where needed. Use diagrams, tables, and charts judiciously and appropriately.

Supporting detailed information belongs in an appendix. All tables, figures, charts, and diagrams/maps should be professional in appearance and have informative titles.

At the back of the binder, include appendices, your project presentation slide printouts (1-3 slides per page in handout form), and all memos and feedback we have exchanged about your project.

See the next page for an outline and list of content.

Here is an outline and list of items which should be included in your project. You may include additional material as appropriate for your process.

1. Introduction and executive summary (all text, 1-2 pages)

a. Client name

b. Team member names (and team name, If you have one)

c. Overview of process (description)

d. Overview of problems/opportunities identified (Why should a BPI project be done on this process?)

e. Overview of improvements recommended

f. Overview of the implementation plan (time, cost, stakeholder involvement)

2. Context diagram and an explanation of boundaries and other connected processes.

3. Prioritized process inventory overview (Makes the case as to why this process deserves a BPI project rather than the connected ones.

Put a printout of the details from the spreadsheet in an appendix.)

4. Scope statement

5. As-Is process map(s); include objective/output, input, resources, and time and cost estimates (discussion)

6. To-be process map(s); include objective/output, input, resources, and time and cost estimates (discussion)

7. Problems/Opportunities (discussion)

8. Improvements recommended (discussion; apply improvement techniques here.)

9. Internal controls, tools, and metrics that will be recommended improvements, support implementation of recommended improvements, or provide evidence as to whether implemented changes did, in fact, improve the process on the designated metrics.

10. Change implementation plan (How will you implement the recommended changes? Time frame? Cost of implementing the change? Training requirements? Involvement of participants and stakeholders? Ways to ensure the changes remain in place; i.e., how will you institutionalize the change?)

11. Continuous improvementplan (What is the mechanism that will allow the process to be continued to be improved?)

12. Appendices

a. Detailed tables for process inventory prioritization

b. Detailed tables and computations for time and estimate costs

c. Samples of internal controls, tools, metrics

d. Other (as needed)

e. PowerPoint slides for presentation (handout form)

f. Memos and feedback

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Operation Management: You have identified a process to analyze and will be
Reference No:- TGS02761031

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