You have been provided an Access database that contains sales data for the past five years for a florist. The data has information about the date of transaction, client name, client zip code, products purchased, and product price. You have been tasked to provide a few reports to the owner of the business. Explain the steps to import the data from Access into Excel for data analysis. Due to the high amounts of perishable inventory over the last year, the owner would like to eliminate five products. Provide the steps in your data analysis to determine the appropriate products to eliminate. The owner would like to increase marketing during slower periods of the year. Because flower sales are seasonal, the owner does not know the best times of year to increase marketing to attract more customers when business is slower. Provide the steps in your data analysis to determine the best times of the year to increase marketing. How would you report your findings to the owner to Parts 2 and 3? Assume that the owner is visual and does not want to look over a worksheet of data.