
You have been encouraged by a colleague to write a brief



Length: 4-6 pages.

Assignment Description

Influence Processes

You have been encouraged by a colleague to write a brief article about "CEOs and presidents" for a management journal. You have decided to compare the leadership styles of three leaders. Using the Library, the Internet, and your course materials, write a 4-5 page document via Word that elaborates on the following:

In your article, provide the following:

An introduction to the concept of influence processes

A summary of the various types of influence processes and the factors that can affect them

An analysis of the processes used by the three leaders. Identify the processes that the leaders and top management team (TMT) are using to impact the organization. Use the table below to organize your answers (you can copy the table from this browser window and paste it into your Word document). Please enter into each cell in the table how that leader is using that particular influence method (if applicable).

Influence Method Leader 1 Leader 2 Leader 3

Direct decisions
Allocation of resources
Reward system
Selection and promotion of other leaders
Role modeling

Use the Library or other Web resources to support your argument. Be sure to cite your sources using APA Style 6th edition guidelines.

Your report MUST include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. Discussion Board essays and Individual Projects without references and citations may not earn any higher grade than a 'C' letter grade. Your report should contain an abstract, a short introduction, and conclusion in addition to the body of the paper. Please note that if you have a source in your reference section, you need to cite it in the body of the paper per APA guidelines and vice-versa.

Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA Style 6th edition format.

This assignment will be assessed using additional criteria provided here.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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Business Management: You have been encouraged by a colleague to write a brief
Reference No:- TGS01719438

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