
You have been asked tomake a presentation regarding digital

UsingPrezi,a presentation tool, reflect on this week's videos and articles you read and watched from the apply and discover as well as module resources sections of Week 4 Module regarding "Digital Citizenship". Using the above supporting documentation (articles, videos,etc. in Apply & Discover) will help you formulate your thoughts as well as provide sources for you to link within yourpresentationregarding this topic.(Here is a prezi example)and another! (prezi example)

You have been asked tomake a presentation regarding digital citizenship to the teachers at your school, the parents, school administration as well as the school board, what would you tell them?

Embed the Prezi into your blog and write a reflection post - 2 paragraphs about the following:

Things to think about - I am looking for your own personal thoughts on this topic matter - What do they make you feel? How do you think schools should address these issues? Really reflect but also provide many links, quotes, resource information about the topic to support your feelings and personal thoughts.

You do not have to answer all of these, but they are some jumping off points to ponder to help you write your post:

What did you learn that you did not know before about digital citizenship?

What did you find interesting, important, unimportant?

Was there anything you read, heard, watched that you disagreed with?

Do you think it is important to teach digital citizenship skills to students even if you are just working on the computers in your class for a quick lesson?

Were you surprised at your own digital footprint?

Who's job is it to teach digital citizenship skills and when should they be taught?

Out of the 9 Elements of digital citizenship, how would you teach them to K-5 vs. 6-8 vs. 9-12 grade levels?

2 - Complete this quick survey -Exit Ticket

3 -Create a short voki discussing 5 ways to be a good digitalcitizen and embed into your blog. The audience can be the age that you are becoming certified in. This is geared to the kids you would be teaching. This helps gauge age appropriateness of information we present. (Use any of the articles I provided above or any videos, etc.) - Be sure to give credit for where you got your information within the blog post. Put the URL addresses within your blog below for any of the sites you used for the information.

Use the vide oI created usingscreenr.com to help you with this if you need help creating a voki account or embedding it into your blogger. This will be embedded into your blog and then after it is embedded, you can still post links to resources, etc within the same post in blogger.

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Other Subject: You have been asked tomake a presentation regarding digital
Reference No:- TGS0669391

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