Question 1.
Recently opened hardware shop has developed the following UI to support up with their management report generation requirements. When a particular item is entered to the input item text box (i.e. Dulux paint.) & after pressing the add button , the entered description should be added to the mentioned list box. List box can contain numerous of items entered in above format.
User can select a particular item in the list box via mouse & after clicking the remove button it should be removed from the list box & must be added to the besides combo box. Combo box can contain numerous of removed items from the list box.
Incase accidently if user presses the add button without entring any value to the input item textbox,an error provided should be blinking up with the message "Try to enter something to this text field."
Based upon your understanding on C# windows applications try to implement the above functionality.

Question 2.
You have been asked to assist the development of report generation module in a HRM system. As per the requirement designed user interface is as below.

By clicking on the Open button it will allow to open a word or a text document located anywhere within the system. The selected document will be displayed in the rich text area as denoted in the design. By clicking on the Color button it will allow to change the fore color of the font, whereas through the font button you can customize the font type as per your requirement.
In case, if accedently user pressers the add button eithout entering any content to the underneath textbox an error provider should be blinking up with the error message "Cannot Leave Blank".
Try to implement the above functionality based upon your knowledge on C# windows applications.