
You have been an active professional in your chosen field

As a capstone project, your mission is to craft a paper that describes YOU AS A LEADER. Using all of the previous modules' learning, please prepare a written document that fulfills the following hypothetical scenario. You are being asked to determine/state your leadership style(s), philosophy, mission and vision, code of ethics, ability to build relationships and foster others, communication styles, other inventories that you have completed, and anything else that you feel is pertinent in your leadership and professional development.


You have been an active professional in your chosen field for many years; and, due to your leadership abilities being recognized, you have been asked to stand for election to a position in your professional organization. You as the candidate are asked to provide a bio defining your leadership philosophy and identifying your leadership abilities and styles.

In preparation of this document, reflect on the previous readings, discussions, and assignments from this course. Prepare a paper that will succinctly portray you as a leader in your professional organization.

You are purposefully not being given concrete directions as to allow you to create whatever you feel would best convey to the members of your professional organization who you are as a leader.

(This should be written as a graduate-level paper that is approximately 2 pages of double-spaced text with 1" margins.)

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Business Management: You have been an active professional in your chosen field
Reference No:- TGS02267022

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