
You had originally been instructed to maintain silence

Your company has just acquired another company. When the announcement is made, you and your counterparts are told by the CEO that there will to be no corporate staff from the acquired company retained. The exact words were “to the victor go the spoils.” The acquired company has a small information technology staff (@ 18 people). You have named one of your direct reports to act as liaison with the information staff of the acquired company. After some time your direct report comes into your office and indicates that you are not doing your job (e.g., the other department heads are offering positions to the respective staffs and you are not.) Again, you had originally been instructed to maintain silence regarding the decision not to offer any positions; and, you have not shared that information with anyone. What do you do?

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Operation Management: You had originally been instructed to maintain silence
Reference No:- TGS02904031

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