
You get a rape kit submitted synopsis explains that victim

1. Using the Scientific Method, evaluate the following crime scene: explain a bloody fingerprint of the victim discovered in one room and the body of the victim in a different room. What possible scenarios can you think of and give a brief explanation of each.

2. You find a hair with no root and a hair with an intact root. Which sample gives you the best chance for conventional (nuclear) DNA comparisons and why?

3. You get a rape kit submitted. Synopsis explains that victim claims anal penetration with oral vaginal assault. You have oral, anal and vaginal swabs from victim as well as underwear. You also have penile and finger swabs from suspect. Your coworker has tested the vaginal and anal swabs. As the technical reviewer, do you ask the coworker to do more work such as testing the finger and penile swabs from the suspect? Why or why not? Consider Locard's principle in your response.

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Biology: You get a rape kit submitted synopsis explains that victim
Reference No:- TGS02334184

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