
you get a contract to implement a simple java

You get a contract to implement a simple Java application that process NBA team roster : your application has to read the NBA team roster from a text file and then print each player''s information eitehr to console or to a text file. In addition to the player''s individual stats, your application also displays the following information: the average salary of the team, the highest paid player and his pay, the average height of the team , the tallest player and his height. The average weight of the team, the heaviest player and his weight.

For this , you have to implement

Player class :

class Player{

//data members

private String name ;
private String position;
private int height ; // in inches
private double weight ; // in lb
private int age;
private int exp ;
private String college ;
private double salary ;
private int no ;

// public accessors

public String getName() {
// put your code here
public String getPosition() {
// put your code here
public int getHeight() {
// put your code here
public double getWeight() {
// put your code here

public int getAge() {
// put your code here
public int getExp() {
// put your code here
public String getCollege() {
// put your code here
public double getSalary() {
// put your code here
public int getNo() {
// put your code here

// public mutators

public void setName(String newName) {
// put your code here
public void setPosition(String newPosition) {
// put your code here
public void setHeight(int height) {
// put your code here
public void setWeight(double weight) {
// put your code here
public void setAge(int age) {
// put your code here

public void setExp(int exp) {
// put your code here
public void setCollege(String College) {
// put your code here
public void setSalary(double salary ) {
// put your code here
public void setNo(int no) {
// put your code here

// constructors :

public Player() { // default constructor

// put your code here


public Player(String name, int ht , double wt , int age, String col, double sal) {

// put your code here


public Player(int no , String name, String pos, int ht , double wt , int age, int exp , String col, double sal) {

// put your code here


public Player(Player other) { // copy constructor

// put your code here


public String toString() {

// put your code here


public void updateAge() {
// put your code here

public void updateExp() {
// put your code here

public String convert(int ht) {

String out = "" ;
int ft = ht/ 12 ;
int in = ht % 12 ;

if( ft > 0 ) out = ft + "'' " + in + "\" " ;
else out = ht + "\"" ;
return out ;



An application (main driver) that use Player class and perform the File I/O.

Command line argument must be used.
array of Player must be used to store the players of the roster.
you must implement the given method :

public static Player load( Scanner sc ){

// this method uses scanner class object sc to read one player''s information from the roster file and returns a player object


for the main :

public static void main(String [] args) {

File in ;

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out, true) ; ;

try {

if ( args.length > 0 ) {

sc = new Scanner(new File(args[0]));

if ( args.length == 2 ){

pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(args[1]),true);


}catch(IOException e ) {
System.out.println("Error in openning file ....\n") ;

NumberFormat currencyFormatter= NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();


import statements:

import java.util.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;

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Application Programming: you get a contract to implement a simple java
Reference No:- TGS0154168

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