
You determine the title and content of your research the

Question: Your individual project effort is a research paper based on your choice of title within one of the following areas of exploration. ("Passenger transportation security or cargo transportation security").

Please note these basic project rules. You determine the title and content of your research. The project paper must be submitted in MS Word format, with a MINIMUM of four or more discussion pages (discussion body) plus title and reference pages. Use single line spacing (blank lines only after paragraphs) and twelve-point Times Roman font. Margins for page setup are one inch on all four sides. Less than the minimum four discussion pages will result in a significant loss of point value. Independent of content, the failure or ignorance of this basic formatting and length of the project paper will graded no higher than a 99 of 125 possible points, which is a C+. Not helpful!

The individual project grading rubric includes eight subsets: substance, organization, presentation, cognitive progression of ideas, ability to communicate, timeliness of examples, logical support for conclusions and cited research materials verification.

A helpful idea is to enlist the expertise of the eWriting Center at the University as a guidance source and independent check to maximize the impact of the project. You may choose your formatting style including APA, MLA or Chicago Manual. Check the schedule for your early individual project title deadline date and final date to submit the actual project paper via a course message attachment to me. Importantly, always remember to cite references!

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Marketing Management: You determine the title and content of your research the
Reference No:- TGS02715683

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