
You case analysis paper will be evaluated based on the

Takes a stand on whether it right for a nation to go to war and why(Ethics)

You case analysis paper will be evaluated based on the characteristics of strong critical thinking discussed in the Paul & Elder mini-guide in module 1 and your ability to apply things you have learned about ethical perspectives throughout the course. Be sure to clearly state your position and argue well for it without relying on unsupported assumptions.

"A growing number of people today believe that war is always wrong, that no circumstances ever justify one nation's taking up arms against another. Is the view ethically sound? In answering, be sure to comment on the questions of a country's defending itself against aggression and of a strong country's coming to the aid of a weak country that has been attacked unjustly."

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Dissertation: You case analysis paper will be evaluated based on the
Reference No:- TGS02303242

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