
You can use guided search or advanced search to select two

• Go to the following Census Bureau site: https://factfinder.census.gov

• You can use 'Guided Search' or 'Advanced Search' to select two states for comparative purposes and to construct a bivariate table that compares the two states in terms of either age or racial composition. This site will provide you with the needed frequencies and percent.

• 'Advanced Search' will provide a faster way to get what you want, and here is a step-by-step guide:

o Click 'Advanced Search.' In the search box, type the first state you are interested in examining, click "Go"

o Then at the top you will see "Refine your search results" --- under the State search box, type another state, and click "Go" again. When you do so, you have now added TWO states for comparison in your selections (see top left, there is a box called Selections, you should see your two states listed). If not, repeat the step above.

o Next step, back to "Refine your search results" -- now you enter under 'topic or table name' what you want to compare the two states on: type in either AGE or RACE. Click "Go"

o You will now find a list of datasets under "Table, File, or Document table" - if you were looking for AGE then click on that topic, and a Table with the 2 states you picked and AGE will load for you, and that's the dataset you needed to discuss about for this week's discussion

• Post the table in your Forum, write a summary of your table results and analyze the data (at least 250 words). Include the direct link to this table as well to show that you've done this correctly.

• As you analyze your comparative data, include briefly: What did you learn from this exercise?

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Dissertation: You can use guided search or advanced search to select two
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